Low-Maintenance Landscaping for Calgary Homeowners

Creating a beautiful backyard oasis doesn’t have to mean endless hours of upkeep. By focusing on low-maintenance landscaping ideas for our backyards, we can craft stunning outdoor spaces that suit our lifestyles while being kind to the environment. Utilizing native and drought-resistant plants not only simplifies garden care but also promotes a sustainable design, ensuring our landscapes thrive in Calgary’s unique climate with minimal efforts.

In planning our low-maintenance gardens, it is important to consider various aspects such as optimizing water use, selecting resilient shrubs and perennials, and implementing strategic lawn care approaches.

Choosing Native or Drought-Resistant Plants

black eyed susans Calgary landscapingChoosing the right plants is crucial for creating a low-maintenance, water-efficient backyard in Calgary. Here’s how we can make smart selections:

  • Ground Cover for Sun and Shade:
  • For sunny areas, Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susans) and Lamb’s Ears are excellent ground covers that are both beautiful and drought-resistant.
  • In shady spots, Comfrey thrives with minimal care, offering lush greenery without the need for constant watering.
  • Water-wise Plant Choices:
  • Ornamental Grasses: Karl Foerster grass stands out for its drought resistance and ease of maintenance.
  • Native Plants: Opt for Calgary-hardy natives like Prairie Crocus, Wild Bergamot, and Buffaloberry. These plants are adapted to local conditions, requiring less water and care.
  • Xeriscaping: This technique combines drought-resistant plants with gravel and decorative rocks and stones to create artistic, low-water landscapes. It’s ideal for Calgary’s climate, significantly reducing the need for irrigation.
  • Shrubs and Perennials:
  • Focus on native or regionally adapted shrubs and perennials that withstand Calgary’s weather extremes, such as Limelight Sage or Variegated Mugwort. These selections ensure resilience and reduce maintenance efforts.

By integrating these plant choices into our backyards, we contribute to a sustainable, low-maintenance landscape that aligns with Calgary’s environmental conditions and our desire for beautiful, easy-to-care-for outdoor spaces.

Incorporating Permeable Paving Solutions

Incorporating permeable paving solutions into our backyards offers a fantastic way to manage rainwater effectively while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our outdoor spaces. Here’s a closer look at some of the best options available:

  • Permeable Paver Brands and Types:
  • Techo-Bloc: Known for its variety like Pure, Mika, Villagio, Aquastorm, and Mista, Techo-Bloc’s permeable pavers are designed to reduce runoff and recharge groundwater.
  • Unilock: Offers a wide selection including DURA-MAT, ECO-PRIORA™ PREMIER, TOWN HALL®, TRIBECA COBBLE™, and TURFSTONE™, tailored for different aesthetics and functionality.
  • Vodaland: Features the HEXpave and EasyPave grid systems, ideal for soil stabilization and preventing erosion.
  • Ecoraster: Provides lightweight, durable paving grids and stones, backed by a 20-year warranty, emphasizing easy installation and longevity.
  • Benefits of Permeable Paving:
  • Reduces storm water runoff, alleviating pressure on sewer systems.
  • Prevents soil erosion and puddle formation, making it an eco-friendly choice.
  • Suitable for various applications like walkways, patios, and driveways, offering versatility in design.
  • Maintenance Tips:
  • To ensure optimal performance, regular maintenance such as periodic sweeping or vacuuming is essential to maintain permeability levels.

By choosing the right permeable paving solution, we can enjoy a low-maintenance, environmentally friendly backyard that looks great and functions efficiently.

Optimizing Natural Rainwater Use

To seamlessly integrate with our low-maintenance landscaping approach, optimizing natural rainwater use is both eco-friendly and practical for Calgary homeowners. Here’s how we can do it effectively:

  1. City of Calgary YardSmart Planning:
  • Sketch Your Yard: Map sun, shade, wet, and dry areas. Designate zones for play, dining, composting, and rainwater collection.
  • Drought and Pollinator-Friendly Design: Choose native vegetation, minimize lawn space, and consider creating a rain garden.
  1. Rainwater Collection and Use:
  • Rain Barrels: Small-scale solutions like 55-100 gallon tanks can capture roof runoff. Perfect for garden watering.
  • Cisterns: Larger storage options for significant rainwater collection. Some models come with pumps for easier distribution.
  1. Rainwater Harvesting Systems:
  • Passive Harvesting: Utilize earthworks (basins, berms) to enhance soil water infiltration.
  • Active Harvesting: Employ cisterns or barrels for storing roof or pavement runoff, with systems often including catchment, conveyance, storage, distribution, and filtration components.

By adopting these strategies, we not only conserve water and save on bills but also support our local ecosystem. Regular maintenance and adherence to local regulations will ensure our systems operate efficiently and sustainably.

Implementing Efficient Irrigation Systems

Implementing efficient irrigation systems is a game-changer for maintaining a low-maintenance, beautiful backyard in Calgary. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Types of Efficient Irrigation Systems:
  • Micro/Drip Irrigation: Delivers water directly to the plant’s roots, minimizing evaporation and runoff. Ideal for flower beds and vegetable gardens.
  • In-ground Systems: Best for larger lawns, with various nozzles to meet different watering needs.
  • Key Considerations:
  • Automation: Use timers and smart controllers to water without constant attention. This includes soil moisture sensors and rain sensors to prevent overwatering.
  • Watering Schedule: Follow the CRD Watering Schedule, watering early in the morning or late evening to reduce evaporation.
  • Regular Maintenance: Check for leaks, adjust sprinkler heads, and ensure the system covers the intended areas without wastage.
  • Installation Tips:
  • DIY vs Professional: While DIY installation can save upfront costs, consider hiring a certified contractor or consulting with a professional for system design and efficiency.
  • Planning for Growth: Design your system with future landscaping changes in mind, allowing for easy additions or adjustments.

Efficient irrigation not only conserves water but also ensures your plants receive the right amount of moisture, promoting a healthy and vibrant landscape with minimal effort.

Designing with Mulch and Ground Cover

Incorporating mulch and ground cover into our landscaping strategy can significantly reduce maintenance efforts while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our Calgary backyards. Here’s how we can leverage these elements effectively:

  • Mulch Benefits and Best Practices:
  • Moisture Retention: Mulch helps in retaining soil moisture, which is crucial for plant health and reduces the need for frequent watering.
  • Temperature Regulation: By maintaining consistent soil temperatures, mulch promotes healthier plant growth.
  • Weed Control: It blocks sunlight, preventing weed germination and growth, thus saving us from constant weeding.
  • Erosion Prevention: Mulch serves as an excellent ground cover that prevents soil erosion, especially vital in sloped areas.
  • Types of Mulch: Opting for premium hardwood mulch or arborist’s wood chips ensures longevity, reducing the need for frequent reapplication. For a decorative touch, mulch colorants can enhance the landscape design.
  • Ground Cover for Low-Maintenance Gardens:
  • Selection Criteria: Choose evergreen, fast-spreading, and drought-tolerant ground covers to ensure year-round coverage and minimal maintenance.
  • Application Tips: When applying mulch around ground covers, use a 2-inch layer of organic mulch, leaving space around the stems to prevent moisture buildup and potential fungal growth.
  • Innovative Mulching Techniques:
  • Weed Barrier and Topping: Adding a weed barrier beneath a decorative mulch or stone topping around shrubs and trees significantly reduces weed proliferation.
  • Alternative Mulch Materials: Beyond traditional wood chips, consider using leaves, river rock, mint compost, or hazelnut shells for a unique look and additional benefits like soil enrichment from organic decompositions.

By carefully selecting and applying mulch and ground cover, we can create visually appealing, sustainable landscapes that require minimal upkeep, aligning perfectly with our low-maintenance landscaping goals in Calgary.

Adopting a Strategic Lawn Care Approach

Adopting a strategic lawn care approach in our Calgary backyards not only enhances the beauty of our landscapes but also significantly reduces maintenance efforts. Here are some practical tips to achieve this:

  • Choose Wisely:
  • Shrubs over Perennials: Opt for shrubs as they require less upkeep than perennials, staying robust through winter and effortlessly sprouting in spring.
  • Rock Gardens and Artificial Grass: Introduce rock gardens for a charming, low-upkeep alternative, or consider synthetic lawns for year-round greenery without the maintenance.
  • Practical Additions:
  • Mowing Pavers: Install them around garden beds to define borders and eliminate the need for grass trimming.
  • Furniture and Features: Incorporate garden furniture, fountains, or bird feeders to diversify your garden’s appeal without adding to your lawn care tasks.
  • Eco-Friendly Landscaping Choices:
  • Native Plant Selection: Embrace plants and flowers that grow in Calgary like prairie crocus that thrive in our zone without needing pruning.
  • Natural Pest Control: Attract predators like barn owls and lady beetles to manage pests naturally, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

By implementing these strategies, we create a visually appealing, low-maintenance backyard that aligns with Calgary’s climate and our lifestyle preferences.


What are the best options for a low-maintenance garden landscape?

To create a garden that requires minimal upkeep, consider incorporating these elements:

  • Ground cover plants that prevent weeds and reduce soil erosion.
  • Perennial plants that come back year after year without needing to be replanted.
  • Evergreen plants that provide year-round greenery with little maintenance.
  • Ornamental grasses that add beauty and are easy to care for.
  • Drought-tolerant plants that thrive with minimal watering.
  • Gravel and river rocks for areas that need no watering or mowing.
  • Artificial turf to eliminate the need for lawn care.
  • Mulch to help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

How can I replace grass in my Calgary backyard with low-maintenance alternatives?

In Calgary, you can reduce lawn space and the associated maintenance by introducing:

  • Tiered gardens that add visual interest and reduce the lawn area.
  • Rock gardens that create a natural, rugged landscape without the need for watering.
  • Low water-use shrubs that conserve water and provide greenery.
  • Flowering trees that add color and beauty with minimal upkeep.
  • Groundcover plants that cover the soil, reducing watering and weeding needs.

What is an ideal low-maintenance landscape choice in Florida?

For a low-maintenance Florida landscape, consider:

  • Daylilies, which are drought-tolerant and bloom throughout the summer with little care.
  • Native grasses, which are better adapted to the local climate than turf grasses, requiring less water and no mowing or edging.

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